Himakom UGM was officially established on April 18, 1998 and is a set of students of study program (Himaprodi). In that sense, anyone has the right to become a member and use Himakom’s facilities regardless of SARIP (ethnicity, religion, race, and achievement index), as long as he / she has the status as a student of computer science study program, computer and information system, and medical record.
Since the establishment, Himakom only oversees 3 courses, namely S-1 Computer Science (regular and self-help), D-3 Computer and Information Systems, and D-3 Medical Record. Himakom – including one of the dreaded himaprodi in FMIPA UGM environment, has ever won the honor as Himaprodi Terlucu of BEM FMIPA UGM in 2005 and 2006, and Himaprodi Terkeren 2006 – located at FMIPA Selatan UGM Yogyakarta Campus. Now, Himakom stands alone apart from Rekmed and Komsi.
Activities of Himakom UGM are formed in the work programs aimed at supporting Tri Dharma Higher Education consisting of Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service.
Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektronika dan Instrumentasi UGM