Program Beasiswa Unggulan Pascasarjana untuk Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2024/2025
Cakupan Beasiswa
- Potongan UKT dengan proporsi 25%-100% maksimal 3 semester dan akan dievaluasi setiap akhir semester
- Biaya Penelitian/Publikasi/Seminar Internasional
- Dimungkinkan mendapat living allowance
Jalur Beasiswa
- Jalur Kualifikasi Akademik Unggul
- Jalur Prestasi (Minimal Finalis Kompetisi Nasional Kemendikbud atau Memiliki Publikasi Internasional Q2/Q1)
Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Lulusan tahun 2023 atau 2024 dari program studi sarjana/magister terakreditasi Unggul/A pada bidang rumpun ilmu komputer dan elektronika dengan IPK minimal 3.25
- Sedang mendaftar atau telah diterima sebagai mahasiswa pada salah satu program pascasarjana di Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM
- Bersedia untuk ditugaskan sebagai asisten dosen atau asisten peneliti selama menerima beasiswa. Khusus Program Magister Ilmu Komputer dan Doktor Ilmu Komputer bersedia untuk mengikuti Program Gelar Ganda dengan salah satu mitra universitas luar negeri
Mekanisme Pendaftaran
Mengajukan permohonan aplikasi beasiswa melalui email dep-ike.mipa@ugm.ac.id dengan melampirkan dokumen
- Bukti pendaftaran/telah diterima sebagai mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana di DIKE UGM
- Scan Asli Ijazah dan Transkrip S1/S2
- CV yang menampilkan list penelitian dan/publikasi*
- Motivation letter*
- Surat pernyataan bersedia menjadi asisten dosen atau asisten peneliti selama menerima beasiswa*
- Bukti Sertifikat Sebagai Finalis/Juara Kompetisi Nasional Kemendikbud/Internasional atau bukti publikasi internasional Q2/Q1 (Hanya untuk pelamar jalur prestasi)
*Format dokumen bebas
- Deadline Pendaftaran: 7 Januari 2025
- Seleksi Administrasi: 8-9 Januari 2025
- Wawancara: 10-11 Januari 2025
- Pengumuman: 16 Januari 2025
- DCSE Global Talent Scholarship is a scholarship offered by the Department of Computer Science and Electronics (DCSE) for overseas students to take a Master/Doctoral degree by research to demonstrate the need of financial assistance.
- Up to six scholarships are available for eligible students to study in the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia in one of the following programs.
- Master Program in Computer Science
- Master Program in Artificial Intelligence
- Master Program in Electronics and Instrumentation.
- Doctoral Program in Computer Science
Main Requirements
- Bachelor or Master certificate from a registered/official university in country of origin. Preferably for ASEAN countries, but other countries may still apply.
- Prospective students must have citizenship other than Indonesia and come from abroad.
TOEFL 550, IELTS 6, IBT 70. - Have a research proposal for with 1.5 years of timeline for Master, and 3 years for Doctoral.
GTS Type A (3 semesters for Master, 6 semesters for Doctoral, with 1 additional semester.)
- Tuition fee full waived.
- Living allowance 2.5 million rupiah per months
- Research support funding for publication.
GTS Type B (3 semesters for Master, 6 semesters for Doctoral, with 1 additional semester.)
- Tuition fee full waived
- Research support funding for publication.
- All scholarship types is meant for a single person only. DCSE Global Talent Scholarship does not provide a family allowance.
- Valid if the awardee lives in Indonesia. If the awardee is returning to his country, the scholarship will only be considered according to the percentage of his presence in Indonesia.
- All foreign students are exempt from admission fees. Other costs besides the scholarship coverage above must be borne by the student if accepted, including round-trip air tickets, health insurance, immigration and visa fees, and other costs.
Eligibility for Master Program
- The maximum age to apply for the scholarship is 35 years.
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, electronic, and instrumentation areas, with minimum GPA of equal to or more than 3.25 out of 4.00 from reputable university within ASEAN countries. Please be advised that master’s degree holder is not eligible to apply for the Master Degree scholarship.
- A good command of English
- In a good health, proven by a health certificate.
- Willing to purchase health insurance during the study duration.
- Commit to all aspect of the program upon nomination
- Be physically and emotionally capable of completing the programs.
Eligibility for Doctoral Program
- The maximum age to apply for the scholarship is 40 years old.
- Hold a master’s degree in computer science, electronic, and instrumentation areas, with minimum GPA of equal to or more than 3.5 out of 4.00 from reputable university within ASEAN countries. Please be advised that doctoral degree holder is not eligible to apply for the Doctoral Degree scholarship.
- A good command of English
- In a good health, proven by a health certificate.
- Willing to purchase health insurance during the study duration.
- Commit to all aspect of the program upon nomination
- Be physically and emotionally capable of completing the programs.
Timeline for Scholarship Application
- Fall Semester intake
- Registration deadline: 15 April
- Document Screening and Interview: End of April
- Announcement Result: Second Week of May
- Semester period: August to December
- Spring Semester intake
- Registration deadline: 15 October
- Document Screening and Interview: End of October
- Announcement Result: Second Week of November
- Semester period: February – June
To be noted that the Scholarship Application and Admission Process are separated procedure. The admission process should be done separately according to https://admission.ugm.ac.id/. During scholarship application, the applicant should provide the admission ID which they obtained in the admission.
- A copy of valid passport
- A formal photo passport color
- Certified copy of the diploma in bachelor degree or equivalent (in English)*
- Certified copy of the academic transcript of bachelor degree (in English)*
- Certified copy of the diploma in master degree or equivalent (in English)**
- Certified copy of the academic transcript of master degree (in English)**
- Certificate of English Proficiency (i.e. TOEFL, IELTS) for applicants from Non – English speaking countries
- Letter of motivation
- Research Proposal
- Academic recommendation letter from professors or potential supervisors**
- A recent curriculum vitae
- Proof of completing the registration process via http://admission.ugm.ac.id/
- Complete the online application form.
* for Master degree scholarship
** for Doctoral Degree ScholarshipHow To Apply
- Register online at the UGM admission system http://admission.ugm.ac.id/registration/ and choose domain DCSE Global Talent Scholarship Program by filling and uploading the following documents*
- Colored Scan of Passport (Cover page and Personal Information pages only)
- Official Passport-sized Photograph with red background)
- Official Academic Transcripts, issued by your academic institution (in English)
- Curriculum Vitae (Resume/Personal Data) – download here
- Certificate of Bachelor Degree for Master Program, or Certificate of Master Degree for Doctoral Program
- IELTS/TOEFL Certificate
- Personal Statement and Motivation Letter
- Financial Support Statement
- Good Health Statement, issued by doctor in any format in English
- Research Proposal (should be discussed with potential supervisor in DCSE UGM from ugm.id/DCSELecturer)
- Please send all documents that you have uploaded in the online system and application form with good quality to dep-ike.mipa@ugm.ac.id with subject “DCSE Global Talent Scholarship 2024” and please mention your application number.