In the learning process, lecturers who teach courses in the Electronics and Instrumentation Study Program, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, are expected to apply the Student Centered Learning (SCL) method. The most appropriate SCL method to apply to several courses in the Electronics and Instrumentation Undergraduate Study Program is Collaborative Learning (CbL), Problem-Based Learning (PBL) or a combination of both. However, if the SCL method is deemed unsuitable, the Electronics and Instrumentation Study Program decides not to force the use of the SCL method in the learning process.
Teaching Methods Used: Lectures, Discussions, Programmed Instructions, Study Assignments, Tutorials, Seminars, Demonstrations, Brainstorming, Role Playing, Practicum in the Laboratory. Fulfillment of the characteristics of the learning process, which consists of: 1) interactive, 2) holistic, 3) integrative, 4) scientific, 5) contextual, 6) thematic, 7) effective, 8) collaborative, and 9) student-centered (Permendikbud 3/2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards).