In evaluating learning outcomes for courses in the Electronics and Instrumentation Study Program, the following provisions apply:
The assessment components include Assignments (independent or in groups, including homework), Quiz, UTS (Mid Semester Examination) and UAS (Final Semester Examination). At the beginning of the lecture the lecturer announced the assessment components and their percentages.
If a student does not take the final exam for a course, the grade for that course must come out (cannot be blank). The grade for the course is not automatically E, depending on the percentage of the assessment component given at the start of the course.
UTS and UAS are scheduled to follow the faculty’s schedule.
For courses with parallel classes, it is recommended that the UTS questions and scheduled UAS questions be made the same for all parallel classes.
The Assessment Method used can be in the form of: Class Assessment (papers, presentations, reports), Capstone Project, Performance Assignments, Direct Observation, Portfolio, External Examiners, Standard Exams, locally developed exams, Certification and licensure exams, Simulations, Theses/Senior papers, Surveys: student surveys, alumni surveys, user surveys, national surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies.