The implementation of Undergraduate Program in Computer Science was started in 1987, under the coordination of Mathematics Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Starting in 2010, the implementation of the Undergraduate Program in Computer Science is coordinated by the Department of Computer Science and Electronics. Currently the Department of Computer Science and Electronics FMNS UGM organizes educational and teaching study programs in order to prepare 3 (three) levels of computer science expertise, including: (1) Bachelor of Computer Science (with degree S.Kom), (2) Master of Computer Science (with degree M.Cs.), and (3) Doctorate in Computer Science (with degree Dr.).
The 2021 Curriculum of Undergraduate Program in Computer Science, FMNS, UGM, is developed based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, and the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2020 on National Standards of Higher Education. The curriculum contains a set of plans and rules regarding the content and teaching materials as well as the ways used as guidelines for the implementation of teaching and learning activities. One of the main differentiators of the 2021 Curriculum is the integration of the Independent Learning Policy, called Kampus Merdeka, where students are given the opportunity to study outside their original program but still in UGM for a maximum of one semester or equivalent to 20 credits, or study outside UGM for a maximum of two semesters which is equivalent to 40 credits in various forms of learning activities.
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